About Me
Welcome to our story….
Hey I’m Vickie, I’m 43, British Born, but am soon to become a NZ citizen. I live with my husband Ryan and our 5 year old daughter in Christchurch, NZ.
Since October 2020 I have been living with metastatic melanoma which has spread to my heart. Call it what you will, Stage IV cancer or terminal cancer, we are facing a battle as a family. A battle against a disease that steals time.
Since I can remember I have worried about time running out so you can imagine how I reacted to being told time IS actually running out!
Well in my may, the answer is simply to pack in as much as I can in the time I have and to spend quality time with family and friends to create memories that will live forever.
My diagnosis is made even harder by the lack of funding of the only treatment that is keeping me alive. Pharmac won’t fund my medication, the drug company aren’t allowed to compassionately fund it so it is left to us as family of 3 to somehow fund the cost with the extraordinary kindness of
Join us as we laugh, cry, fight and navigate this crazy journey…
I hope to raise awareness not only of my situation but also Melanoma itself. I also hope to inspire and show that terminal illness isn’t always a sad story and that life can be full and enjoyable despite the s***!