Thank you!
There are so many people and businesses that have supported us and this page is a small opportunity to mention some of them.....
My friends and family - just for being you!
All those who have donated to our Give a Little, Just Giving pages and to our account directly
Fundraising committe - Niamh, Jo, Teena, Jess, Pip, Sarah - there's a power team!
Sumner community - donations
OLSOS - hall use, generally awesome community
​Cool Tranz 2014 Limited - cold freight medication delivery
AKA Design - poster design for Party Your Heart Out!
Two Hats Design - website
CJ Dore - podcast production
The Village Inn Sumner - party venue
Urban Style Sumner - prizes
Treasures Nail Bar Sumner - prizes and advertising
Supervalue Sumner - advertising
Harakeke Sumner - prizes
Kiwis and Koalas - prizes
Joe's Garage- prizes
Well Now - prizes
Reform Pilates - training
Align Personal Training and Nutrition - trianing, advice, prizes
Lesley Murdoch - donations from appearances and wonderful home cooked dinners​
Mezzanine - Band for party
Miss Peppercorn - advertising
Burger Stop Sumner - advertising
Beckenham Butchery - advertising and food donation for party
Sushi Sumner - advertising
SADiE Candles - prizes and making my house smell amazing
Niche Coffee & Eatery - prizes and advertising
Sweet Soul Patisserie - prizes
Cloud Nine Jewellery - prizes
The Children's Bookshop Redcliffs - advertising
The Redcliffs Library - advertising
Redcliffs Butcher - advertising
Jess Reid Pilates - prizes and training
F45 - prizes
Margot Kohonen Mural - prizes
Christchuch Sports Massage - prizes
Equilibria Tattoo - prizes
Hanmer Springs Spa - prizes
Simply Beauty - Prizes
Scarborough Fare - prizes
Clink Sumner - Prizes
Roots Hair Design - prizes
Johnston Architects - advertising
Red Snapper Sumner - advertising
The Ivy Sumner - advertising
Sumner Pharmacy - advertising
Harcourts Sumner - advertising